Friday 5 July 2013


Hi Cande, Mili and Bruno: here it goes the explanation for the project. 

For next Monday, bring information about the inventions we discussed last class, remember? (telephone, computer and internet, wheel, mobile phone, train, fridge, light, medicine, car. I don´t remember the others, jaja!). Choose only THREE of them and bring information: Who invented it? When? Where? What was the contribution to the world? and try to find some funny or unusual information about it!! or an anecdote!
Bring one picture of each invention too!!

We will prepare a "Did you know...?" to put up in the hall so the people that come to the Institute can learn about these inventions with the information you provided.

If you have questions, post it here in the blog as a comment and I will answer before Monday. 

See you around. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Hi teacher!
    I've got a question: I want to put the wheel but it doesn't have a inventor
    they were the cavemen?

  2. if I'm right it doesn't have a place and a time no?
