Monday 20 June 2016

3rd Year: Practice Passive Voice

Hello, kids!

This is a little activity I came across for you to practice passive voice. Take a look at the video from the movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale and complete the activities for this entry:

You'll find the video by clicking on the name of the movie: Hachi, a Dog's Tale

1) Check the actions from the table you saw on the video:

1. (    ) A Japanese monk put the collar around Hachi's neck.
2. (    ) He put Hachi in a cage.
3. (    ) He took Hachi to a train station.
4. (    ) He fed Hachi.
5. (    ) A couple of guys picked Hachi up at the airport.
6. (    ) The baggage carrier accidentally dropped Hachi's cage on the station platform.
7. (    ) Someone found the broken cage.
8. (    ) Parker found and carried Hachi home.

2) Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Make sure you write affirmative or negative sentences according to the actions you saw or you did NOT see in the video.

Ex: 1. The collar was put around Hachi's neck (by a Chinese monk).







These activities were taken from the blog "Movie Segments to Asses Grammar Goals" 

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